Add comparison

Comparisons in ORKG provide an overview of state-of-the-art literature for a particular topic. Comparisons are dynamic and FAIR. A comparison is created from contributions, view example of comparison . To create your own comparisons in ORKG, you can either import existing data (via CSV import) or start from scratch by adding your own contributions. This page guides you in creating new comparisons.

1. Existing data

Preview of CSV import

In case you have existing data, you can import this via the CSV import tool. This is especially helpful if you already have a large file in which related work is compared.

Go to CSV import tool

2. Contribution editor

Preview of contribution editor

If you don’t have existing data, go to the contribution editor to add contributions that will be used in the comparison. After creating contributions, you can create a comparisons.

Go to contribution editor

3. Publish comparison

Preview of published comparison

Once you are done editing contributions, you can create and publish a comparison. Published comparisons are persistent so they are perfectly suitable for publications.